
In this section we present our public reports resulting from the IMRPODOVA research. The reports include recommendations to impact further practice and research in the field of domestic violence management. Find out more about the expected impact by the IMPRODOVA project here.

Fagerlund, M. & Houtsonen, J. (2019). Map of available data on domestic violence.
IMPRODOVA Research report (PDF, 0.6 MB)


D2.2 – Country Reports and Cross-National Comparison on the Implementation of International Norms and National Best Practices of Frontline Responders (PDF, 3.2 MB)


D2.3 – Country Reports and Cross-National Comparison on the Risk Assessment Tools and Case Documentation used by Frontline Responders (PDF, 1.1 MB)


D2.4 – Identifying Gaps and Bridges of Intra- and Inter-Agency Cooperation (PDF, 3.0 MB)


D3.1 – IMPRODOVA Policy Development Module - Manual & Checklist (PDF, 1.0 MB)


D3.6 – IMPRODOVA Handbook on High Impact Domestic Violence in Europe - Summary of the Handbook - (PDF, 0.8 MB)


D3.2 – Burman, M., Brooks-Hay, O. & Bradley, L. (2020). Recommendations for data harmonisation and consolidation. IMPRODOVA research report (PDF, 1.0 MB)


D4.1 – IMPRODOVA Assessment Framework Deliverable Report (PDF, 1.0 MB)


D4.2 – Assessment of IMPRODOVA policy feedback cycle (PDF, 1.0 MB)


D4.3 – Assessment of IMPRODOVA integration module for HIDV risk assessment tools and case documentation (PDF, 1.0 MB)


D4.4 – Assessment of IMPRODOVA Training Formats and Material (PDF, 1.1 MB)


D4.5 – IMPRODOVA Assessment of National Response Platform Pilot (PDF, 0.7 MB)


Displaying Domestic Abuse –
Factsheet for scriptwriters, directors & producers
(PDF, 1.0 MB)


Darstellung häuslicher Gewalt –
Factsheet für Drehbuchautor*innen, Regiseur*innen & Produzent*innen
(PDF, 1.0 MB)